From Cincinnati CBS Local 12, Jan 2, 2012: This
week's fire which left
two University of Cincinnati students critically
injured brings back some painful memories for a
family who lost their loved-one in a blaze near Ohio
State. Andrea Dennis died along with four other
students in 2003. Local 12's Angela Ingram has more
with how Andrea's father has become a fire safety
advocate since her death.
The parents of Andrea Dennis have been outspoken
since she died. They're hoping the students at UC
recover - saying hearing the news of this latest
fire brings back disturbing memories.
Andrea was an exceptional student - her parents were
excited to see her grow into a phenomenal woman.
But, when Andrea was only 20-years-old, she died in
the 2003 blaze at an off-campus Ohio State party.
"You probably saw the reaction from the mass
shooting in Newtown and how devastated the parents
are. Losing a child is losing a child. You're numb,
you can't believe it happened to you."
Hearing that two UC students were hurt in an off campus fire
is upsetting to Andrea's father. Since her death
he's received fire awareness awards. He's met with
fire chiefs all around the country and pushes for
the use of photoelectric alarms. He says ionization
smoke detectors are more prevalent - but they're
less effective. "They almost are a half hour to an
hour slower in a smoky smoldering fire than a
photoelectric smoke detector."
Dennis has also been working with state lawmakers.
He says statutes and municipal codes should require
the use photoelectric detectors. It's a lot of work,
but Dean Dennis is commit to saving lives - and to
preventing parents from suffering the pain that he
and his family have. "We think that Andrea's going
to pick up the phone and call. At least every year
the thought crosses our mind that there a way that
we're going to see her again. Then reality set in
and you go on with your life but I just pray to God
that those kids make it."